Calculation Methods

In: Data_base tree structure->Fatigue Analysis

The Calculation Methods window is of the second type of the general Edit/View window. It can be run by a click on the View or Edit command in the right-hand click popup menu on METHODS item of the data_base tree structure. Its typical composition follows:

The calculation method in PragTics fatigue analysis relates to a setup of the chosen fatigue computation method. The necessity to adjoin also the material data valid for the current computation setup is removed from the version v.0.2 onward. Use the following reference if you are interested in some particular method of calculation.

All the methods defined by the user can be seen in the listbox on the left. They are differentiated by their ID-name, which is unique among the calculation methods data_vector. The setup of the analysis method is done in subsequent steps:

1) The Method combobox is the first to start with. Each particular method has a set of options in the categories listed in the comboxes below, which can be user-defined. See the appropriate methods if you are interested in options of their setup.

2) Solution options table has to be filled in. Here the parameters of the fatigue computation chosen are given.

3) Solution variable table corresponds to real values, which the calculation method used necessitates usually here some details on allowed computation errors are given.

4) Material parameters table contains all material parameters that are necessary for a complete definition of some method of some specific setup. Any of the material defined within the task/data_base can be chosen in the combobox above, in order to verify that all its material parameters were defined. Any incomplete definition can result in unpredictable behavior of PragTic during calculation.

Whole definition of the calculation methods is a bit tedious. In order to facilitate it a bit, an option to import the calculation method from another task/data_base is offered.

You can also Copy any method to a new sheet only a new ID-name will be given to it.

Once any fatigue results in data_base use the method, it is blocked from redefinition (as can be read on the right side of the sheet  - the button ?UNBLOCK? can be pressed to allow editing again). Even in the blocked state, you can still copy the method to another method definition.


material data



fatigue calculation methods

Edit/View window

© PragTic, 2007

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